Feb 5, 2013

Dudes, Watch The Amercians and the Following

I'm gonna get into the Americans first. You probably have seen the commercials about communists living in America trying to live in America under fake names and stuff. this show rocks. Before I get into the show, Felicity crushes it, she is such a hot, slutty, communist, just blowing dudes left and right and trying to kill everyone. She is such a bad ass, I have never found her attractive until this show. She rocks. But the show takes place around the cold war and it involves them living in America and they speak and act just like us, have kids that know nothing about them being spies and just have communist motives. If anyone watched Homeland, it's a FX version of that. It's just incredible, and gives you anxiety the whole time. Definitely check that shit out.

Also, the Following has stepped up big time, it's based on a guy who is a crazy man and lives his life by Edgar Allen Poe and has this cultish following that does awful things to people, and the main cop Kevin Bacon has a history with him and now the guy through prison is making anyone who crossed his life miserable. It's crazy how good actors make a difference with shows. There have been thousands of shows like this that have come and gone, but because Kevin Bacon is in this and whoever that bad guy is, its awesome.

Check out these 2 shows asap.

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