Feb 7, 2013

Basically Bill Belichick and Gronk Want To Blow Kobe Back to Back

"I'm sitting there on the bench, just beside myself, burning with frustration, and I look over and Bill Belichick is walking toward me," Kobe recalled. "I had never met him. Never spoken to him. He had courtside seats across from our bench, and with 20 seconds left in the game, he came over and said, 'Don't you worry about this. I know what you are going through. We just lost a tough one ourselves [to the New York Giants in Super Bowl XLII]. Just bounce back. Be ready next year.'

"He didn't have to say that. The clock was winding down, we were getting ready to walk off. I thought it was really cool. Respect across our professions."

Since then, Belichick and Bryant habitually have talked shop when Kobe comes to Boston. Last season, Belichick visited the Lakers' locker room and shared some pearls of coaching wisdom.

"He talked to me about how he coaches the game, how he minimizes mistakes, the value of a possession," Kobe reported. "Very interesting topics."

In spite of his newfound respect for the HC of the New England Patriots, Kobe said he hasn't switched pro football allegiances.

"No, I'm an Eagles fan, for better or for worse," he said. "I"ve got my fingers crossed that this Chip Kelly dude will work out."

Asked if Belichick would be visiting with him on Thursday, Bryant answered, "I'm hoping Gronk will be there. I like him. He seems to perform at a high level every time out. Last time we were in town we talked for a little bit. He was a fun guy.

"Everyone is so worked up about what he did [in Vegas]. It's funny. If there were camera phones back in the day, the biggest athletes in the world would have had a lot of explaining to do." ESPN

I thought I heard it all but Belichick wanting to blow Kobe every chance he has, has to be one of the biggest slaps in the face to Boston. Visiting the Lakers locker room and giving them words of advice? What the fuck is that about! Jesus talk about having no respect for a city that loves you. The Lakers throughout history have been the Celtics biggest rivalry and hearing about how Bill has a secret crush on Kobe and how Gronk double teams Vanessa is outrageous. I guess this is what happens with people who are similar to each other, Kobe is a dick and cheats on his wife, Belichick is a dick and cheats the game of football.

In my eyes this is way worse than Johnny Damon going to the Yankees or Judas going to play with the Queen in South Beach.

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