May 6, 2013

So Is Rose Just A Huge Pussy?

The Bulls roster is a mess. They are all banged up, but yet here they are going against the Heat and maybe the healthiest person on the roster is Rose and he refuses to play. You never like to call a guy out when he is hurt, but when is this going to become too much. It's been over a month now that he has been cleared to play. Reports say he looks amazing in practice, and yet he still in wearing a suit on the bench.

Rose has a serious image problem going right now. We see guys like AP come back and less time and tear it up. We know Rondo would be out there if he was even 70%, and Rose is supposed to be one of the best players in the league, and he isn't out there.

Like I said, you hate to call a guy out when he is hurt. We don't know how he feels or what he is going through his head, but it would be tough to be a teammate of his, see him practicing and playing well, and not think "Why the fuck isn't he playing, when I am out there". Noah is playing on one leg, Where ya at Rose?

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