May 10, 2013

Ainge Expects Doc and KG back

Alright, so the band is coming back together. Smart play here by Ainge, I think Ainge knows that there is no way he can be able to pull off another monster KG/ Ray Allen deal so the best thing is to bring the band back together and hope that with a little luck from the draft and free agency we can build a rotation that will compete, and if they don't compete then by the deadline you ship everyone. Simple as that.

Doc Rivers was going no where, everyone knows that, Stephan A Smith just decided to be a typical NBA analyst and just throw shit at a wall. It's obvious that this team is very passionate about winning and losing and Danny is right, after the season, give them their space and just let it be for now.

Since the C's are tight on the cap they are really limited to what they can do.

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