Apr 30, 2013

More On Jason Collins Being Gay

Bob only touched upon this subject yesterday, but Jason Collins coming out of the closet because he caught the gay is really not news too me. You ever look at this guy, totally gay. Sure you are going to have a couple of assholes like Mike Wallace or religious nutjob and total fraud Chris Broussard saying homophobic things, but is this really news anymore. In fact I would be money that he has some endorsement deal or something. He is already being asked to be the head of gay pride parades and shit. What he did I guess can be considered brave, but being gay to me isn't a big deal and anyone who is against being gay simply hates gay people. Jason Collins will be looked at as a hero, as the Jackie Robinson of gays, but there was a huge difference between the 2. I will bet that we will see the dominoes fall now with gay athletes now that one did it first. Here are my guesses who comes out:

1. Manti Te'o
2. Nnamdi Asumghua (sp)
3. Jackie Bradley Jr.
4. David Price
5. Calvin Johnson

Te'o because he actually is gay. Asumghua because he's a weird dude and used to eat his lunch in his car and shit. Jacie Bradley Jr. Because he kind of seems too nice and kind of gay. Price because he gives me that vibe and Calvin Johnson because it would be great if a giant man like that was gay. Also, I haven't heard him talk, adds mystery.

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