Mar 28, 2013

So Whats All This Gay Shit Going On?

I come back from Mexico and there are a bunch of hearts with equal signs blowing up my facebook, what is this all about? Some gay rights thing?

Here is my take on gay rights, anyone who doesn't think this should happen is a homophobe, plain and simple. Religion or the naturalness of marriage has nothing to do with it, they just hate gay people. It's ok. I don't get that way of thinking, but thats the only explanation. It's like the people who didn't want blacks to vote, they were just racists making noise about nonsense. We are going to look back at this topic and facepalm and say, man this is really dumb to have thought that way for so long America.

I also love the people on facebook who use this opportunity to bash Obama and the legitimacy of when he said he's cool with the gays. Who cares when he said it people, he said it. Shouldn't that be good enough, he was the first one to be cool with it. Give him some credit and move along.

But there are 2 things I don't get about facebook now adays is how everyone is on a soapbox about this shit like your opinion fucking matters, all you are is a nuisance that gets blocked from my feed as I'm scanning for chicks spring break photos and since when did every girl I know become a Bruin fan? I have never seen such a migration, when did this happen? Is it because hockey players are the best looking out of all the sports? I don't get it, and the crazy thing is that they seem like real fans. It's not the normal token Patriots/ Tom Brady posts that you just shake your head and say to yourself, "listen chick, shut up, you know nothing about football, go away"

Whatever, this has turned rantish, but go gays and get off facebook people because unless your a hot chick, you have no business updating your feed.

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