Mar 29, 2013

Reason 120843 Why Obama Rocks

When all of you dickheads are sitting back and talking about the gays rights thing that will obviously be passed and whether Obama lied to us as a people (newsflash dickheads, every President lies, that's why they're the President. They are the best liars in the country) I am more excited that Obama hired reptile as a secret service member.

He is the first president to not only be able to shoot a consistent jumpshots, rip butts like there is no tomorrow, be cool with the gays and killed that terrorist guy but the first president to give equal opportunity to lizard people. I have been saying for a real long time I do not like the way lizard people get treated in this country and finally Obama decides to embrace them and put them to work. Why is a lizard person a good secret service member? They can blend into shit, always be there while being incognito.

Obama once again does things that blow my mind.

Can a President be elected 3 terms please?

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