Feb 19, 2013

The NBA All Star Weekend Was As Mediocre As Expected

Here are the good dunks from the slam dunk contest.

The 2 people I wanted to see advance in Gerald Green and James White and they both lost after the 1st round, so my mild interest went out the door when they were out of it. Terrence Ross from Toronto beat Jeremy Evans for the title.

I can't believe LeBron made his whole career without being in the Dunk Contest once, all of the superstars did and he gets away with it because he is chicken shit.

Speaking of LeBron, I love how he was in the media and not in a great way. Micheal Jordan started it all off by saying he would take Kobe over LeBron because 5 rings is better than 1. And now the media is spurring this whole Kobe and Lebron rivalry. You can tell that the players hear it as well because during the actual all star break Kobe and LeBron were going at each other pretty hard and Kobe even had an awesome block on LeBron.

Here is every dunk from the actual game:

Also coming from the All Star game is that Lil Wayne has apparently fucked every NBA players wife. This week it was Chris Bosh's wife.

According to TMZ Lil Wayne went OFF on the Miami Heat last night at All-Star Weekend — claiming he’s been banned from all NBA events because of his beef with the team … and the coup de grace … Wayne said he banged Chris Bosh‘s wife. Wayne took the stage for an All-Star weekend event in Houston last night, when he told the crowd, “The NBA banned me from all NBA events … because the Miami Heat told them to ban me.” He added, “F**k LeBron. F**k She Wade. F**k Chris Bosh. F**k all y’all.” And if that wasn’t enough … Weezy said, “I f**ked Chris Bosh wife.”.... so I guess Lil Wayne is alright in my book from now on:

He has had problems in OKC with James harden's gf Trina and that has moved to Houston.

To be honest if you ask me who my favorite rappers are in the game it starts and ends with Lil Wayne. Anyone who is a enemy of the Heat is a friend of mine. I wonder what Bosh's response is to this, probably nothing. he is used to getting shit on.

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