Feb 6, 2013

So, It Seems Like We Are All Back On Te'o's Side

So it seems like we are going to move past this whole Manti Te'o thing? Everyone now believes he was duped and it was all this crazy Ronnie Tuiasasopo guy? I don't get it, I don't get why we are all forgetting this thing and putting our torches and pitchforks away when it comes to Te'o.

Manti Te'o is still obviously the ringleader behind all of this. He obviously played this up and obviously used this as added value to get Heisman votes. I don't want to hear about him just being a dumb college kid, or hawaiian, or mormon or anything, he is 100% at fault for this. I have been shouting that he caught the gay a while ago and nobody seemed to believe me, but he still has to be and he totally banged this Tuiasasopo guy a bunch of times throughout the past 3 years. There is nothing wrong with it, but the over compensation answer completely confirmed it with me when he said after being asked if he was gay, "No..... no way....... far from it."

I love how this kid is going to get away with it because Ronnie is so crazy that all the attention went to him. I still don't think I would draft him if I was an NFL franchise (watch the Steelers take him now) and I still think we should still be upset on this one.

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