Feb 7, 2013

Paul Pierce Beginning To Think About Leaving Celtics?

“I want an opportunity to at least try to win another championship, simple and plain. And if that’s not going to be here -- if that’s going to be somewhere else -- so be it," said Pierce. "That’s what it has to be. I mean, even the greatest players played for other franchises."

It needs to be stated that he also said that he would consider retiring if the Celtics went into  rebuilding mode. Pierce is right, a lot of great players have gone out and ended up playing for other teams (Jordan), but I really hope he doesn't. You can see by how hard the Celtics are playing right now that they don't want to play elsewhere. They love Doc, they love playing with each other, and I think there is always this feeling of unfinished business.

If Paul goes then KG is gone too, so we will be in full rebuild mode. I just don't see this team rolling over. I don't know how far they can go, but I don't think they will put themselves in a position where Danny will blow it up.

"But as the day the world declared in one voice: "We will not go quietly into the night!" We will not vanish without a fight! We're going to live on! We're going to survive!"

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