Feb 4, 2013

KG To The Clippers

Now that the NFL is over, get prepared for crazy NBA rumors, yesterday a "hot" rumor was that the Clippers were dangling Caron Butler and Eric Bledsoe for Kevin Garnett. I understand why KG would fit in LA, he would be awesome there, especially on the defensive end, but I don't want the Celtics to think twice about this deal. I don't like Caron Butler and Bledsoe is fine and all, but after this year we are going to have Bledsoe and Rondo and I believe that would probably not make sense going forward. Plus I hate losing our only big man KG for smalls. The only way I would entertain this deal is if Bledsoe and DeAndre Jordan were involved, but since I don't think the Clippers would offer that, this will all fall by the way side.

This I'm sure will be one of many deals we hear of coming up.

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