Feb 19, 2013

Alfredo Aceves Is An Asshole

"Alex Speier of WEEI.com runs down a list of the team's options with Alfredo Aceves, who recently garnered some negative attention for himself by lobbing pitches to batters in live batting practice rather than actually pitching."

Aceves butted heads with Bobby V last year, which everyone kind of ignored because who didn't butt heads with him. Yet, Aceves is known for being a hot head, and one has to wonder if he wants to be in Boston anymore. The Red Sox are trying to change the culture in the clubhouse and if Aceves keeps pushing the Red Sox managements buttons he could be out real fast just to send a message.

This is my 2nd post today with a Red Sox pitcher being an asshole. DP has already written one about Lester, Buchholz pulled a hamstring, and it's hard to believe Lackey isn't still a dink (even though he at least showed up in shape). It just sounds like more of the same from these guys. 

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