Feb 8, 2013

116 Celtics, 95 Lakers

So the Celtics are either really good or the Lakers are just really bad. Right now, I'm going to cop out and say it's a little of both.

The Lakers lack of defense is amazing, they have guys like Ron Artest, Dwight Howard and Kobe Bryant who have all been on all defensive teams and you would never know it by any stretch especially after last night. It feels good to win, and especially 6 in a row without Rondo and Sullinger, but it feels even better to beat the shit out of the Lakers. There wasn't a bad thing to say about this game.

Paul Pierce played a flawless game he had 24 points, 7 rebounds, 6 assists, and 1 steal in 30 minutes. Jeff Green had 19 points and KG was able to surpass 25,000 points with his 15 points.

The third quarter was amazing for the Celtics, they scored 37 points on a ridiculous 16-21 shooting.

Dwight Howard is no longer a good basketball player. He is a shell of himself, looks lost and just unhappy. He is totally leaving LA after this year.

Doc Rivers is an amazing coach, when he famously said, You can write the obituary, but I'm not, nobody believed him. He has rallied the troops around devastating losses to Rondo and Sully and having them play a really high level of basketball. It's one of the more amazing things I have ever seen. I am actually anxious about the All Star break because it make break up this momentum they have right now.

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