Jan 29, 2013

Rondo Back By Training Camp

"Though the recovery from reconstructive knee surgery can vary, depending on the player, Ainge said he expects Rondo to be ready for the start of training camp next season.
Ainge said Rondo should undergo surgery in the next “10 to 14 days.”

I love how everyone is assuming Rajon is going to be back in record time for an ACL injury. We all know he is tough and seems to be a little superhumanish, but this will be tough. If there is anyone who I think could pull it off it would be him, it's just I fear he will be so hell bent on coming back he will return not 100 percent and then get hurt again. We all know Rondo is a dickhead, so right now he is probably penciling in Adrian Peterson's ridiculous recovery time and going to try his hardest to beat it by a few days.

I just hope that he can just get healthy enough to lead us to a championship next year.

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