Jan 29, 2013

Ray Lewis Should Be Suspended For Super Bowl

"If you were wondering how it only took Ray Lewis 11 weeks to come back from an injury that’s usually a season-killer, we might have an answer. The Ravens’ linebacker may have used deer antler velvet spray, according to Sports Illustrated. The spray contains IGF-1, which is on the NFL’s list of banned substances (NESN)."

Lewis refused to talk about this during his press conference today, but they have a recording from Mitch Ross who runs S.W.A.T.S (Sports with Alternatives to Steroids). In that conversation he tells Lewis to take the deer antler stuff every 2 hours, which as reported above is a banned substance.

Nothing will get done before the Super Bowl, because it is just 5 days a way, but it makes the Ed Reed comments a lot more interesting. He said earler today that Lewis might not retire, and might just play "10 games next year", was that because the Ravens would try to keep him healthy or because he was going to be suspended for band substances?

This story is just getting started, sop we will have to keep you updated as it develops.

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