May 7, 2013

Looking Good Otis

CANTON, Ga. (AP) — Former Major League outfielder Otis Nixon has been arrested on drug charges following a weekend traffic stop in suburban Atlanta.
Nixon was pulled over just after midnight Saturday after another driver called police to report a Dodge Ram truck weaving all over the road, according to an incident report from the Cherokee County Sheriff's Office. The 54-year-old remained in jail Monday afternoon on $11,880 bond.
Officers found a pipe for smoking crack cocaine in Nixon's pants pocket and found a suspected crack rock in the driver's seat, the report says. They later found another pipe and more suspected crack rocks in the floor board of the driver's side, as well as other paraphernalia.

How the mighty have fallen huh? But to be honest, didn't Otis always look like a crackhead?

I remember when Otis was on the Sox back in the day and a;ways liked him, but to be honest, always assumed he was a crackhead.

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