Apr 30, 2013

Horton/Jagr Injury Updates

I guess the title should be a little different as Jagr isn't hurt he is sick. He has had the flu and missed the last two games. He was asked today how he is feeling...

“I feel like [expletive], man,” Jagr said after practicing.

At least he is practicing, and I would think he will be in there tomorrow for Game 1.

Horton thinks he will be able to play. He skated with the first line, and whatever that upper body injury was it seems to be well enough to play.

The Bruins really played like shit down the stretch, so hopefully being healthy will help. They have the talent to make a lot of noise in the playoffs, but they really need to play more consistent. Way too make games they take a period or two off, and that will not fly in the playoffs. 

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