Mar 5, 2013

Ortiz STILL Hurting

"It feels good," Ortiz told the Boston Globe. "When I get going I’m fine. The problem is once I cool off, I start to get sore, but the doctor says it will go away. It’s just part of the treatment, part of [when you] start doing things. ... I was moving pretty good. I don’t think I can run faster than that."

Well David it's been 9 months since you hurt it the first time, and this is still a problem. He has yet to play in a game, we still have to wait till the next day after he "runs" to see how it react, and now they are talking about a problem with calcification in the area. It wasn't exactly like Ortiz was all that quick before this injury, and I just don't know if he is going to be the same. It's not just the HRs with Ortiz, it's all those double he can rack up.

He says he only needs 50-60 at bats, but I am getting concerned that even when the season starts he is not going to be able to play every day. The Sox can't afford him not playing almost every game, they just don't have the type of lineup that can be without a middle of the order bat like him. The Sox and Ortiz say not to worry, but I heard that shit last year when he was supposed to miss 2-3 weeks, and now has turned into a 9 month injury. 

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