Mar 4, 2013

Ed Reed To Stick With Ravens?

“They win [Super Bowls]. At the Super Bowl, I was asked if I would play for Coach Belichick and my answer was: ‘What player wouldn’t play for Coach Belichick?’ He is a good football coach, has a great mind for football. I met Coach Belichick at a Pro Bowl. He is a great guy, great competitor and seems to understand his players.  I was just asked the question at the time [but] I am a Raven, plan on being a Raven. I couldn’t see myself anywhere else, but if it happens, I am a football player, I can adapt to any situation.”

This really still leaves the door wide open, but this is really what he should've said the first time he made a comment about Belichick. It's going to be very interesting to see what happens with the Ravens now that they pissed away so much money on Flacco. Do they have enough room to resign Bolins and Reed. If they can't I hope the Patriots make a strong push for either. They would fit in great here. 

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