Feb 20, 2013

Patriots Alfonzo Dennard Guilty Of Assulting Police Officer

"New England Patriots cornerback Alfonzo Dennard was found guilty Wednesday on charges of assaulting an officer and resisting arrest for an incident that took place near a Lincoln, Neb., bar in April 2012, the Lincoln Journal Star and Omaha World-Herald have reported. Sentencing for the case will be April 11. Dennard's felony conviction for assaulting an officer carries a maximum sentence of five years in jail and up to a $10,000 fine, according to the World-Herald (ESPN)."

I am assuming he isn't going to get 5 years in jail for this, but I would also assume he is going to at least do a little bit of time (usually 0-180 days), a fine, community service, AND be suspended a couple games by the NFL. If you can remember back this is the same guy that got in a fight before the NFL draft, which caused him to drop to the 7th round. He has been cleared of those charges, but obviously this is not a good sign for this kid.

He had 3 INTs last year, and looked set to have a spot with the Patriots. Even after this I would be surprised if he was cut, as the Patriots need all the CB help they can get.

I know where this is going, and DP will start screaming about why I am not making a bigger deal out of this like Ray Lewis and Terrell "I throw bleach on babies" Suggs, but it's pretty simple. I don't listen to this guy preach, or speak about God, or tell me how I'm supposed to live. So yes he is a terrible person that should pay the price for what he did, but he's not a hypocrite that I have to watch on TV every day.

And yea, you're damn right I'm biased. 

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