Jan 28, 2013

Rondo Injury Reaction

Much like most of the Celtics players I was shocked to hear Rondo would be out for the year with a tonr ACL. Hell, I didn't even think he was going to miss a game let alone miss the entire season. From the coaches and players reactions I guess I wasn't the only one.

Right when I heard it I thought, "Well, there goes this season", and maybe it's time to start blowing it up. It's not like this season was going well, and now they lost their best player. Yet, what are they going to do? People keep talking about Pierce to Memphis. Sorry, I just don't see it. KG would have a ton of value, but he has a no trade clause, and I can't see him going anywhere unless Pierce is dealt.

Here is what I think will happen. I agree with DP that I don't see them doing anything. I think they will make the playoffs, and actually play better ball without him. We have seen this happen before when a main player is out, and the team rallies. It doesn't mean they will win it all, as I have always thought for them to go that Rondo would be the key, but they can still have a very strong end to the season. I bet they actually end up being at least a 6 seed.

What will be interesting is the casual's fan reaction to this. Will we start to hear the dreaded "they are better off without Rondo?" I mean we hear Rondo trade rumors every year anyways. I think you will hear some of that, but it won't change the course of the Celtics. I think Rondo will still be the center piece of this team going forward, and call me crazy, but I think they could be a good thing for guys like Bradley.

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