Jan 30, 2013

Josh Smith Likely Traded By Deadline

I think I have written similar headlines about Josh Smith probably 15 times over the past 2-3 years, but once again it looks like he is on the block.

Spears writes: "Expectations are growing that the Hawks will trade forward Josh Smith, a source said."

I have wanted Smith on the Celtics for a long time. The rumor is Danny Ferry really hates Smith and wants him gone. So, here is the usual bullshit that will come out of my mouth...

Celtics trade: Melo, Green, Bass
Hawks trade: Josh Smith

Obviously that would be a steal for the Celtics, but considering Smith only has the rest of this year left on his deal maybe the Celtics can swing it. Then if they have a good playoff run, and the obvious return of Rondo next year Smith may be enticed to comeback. Plus it would get rid of two contracts that down look so good right now.

Why it won't happen? The Hawks will most likely be looking for expiring contracts.

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