Jan 28, 2013

100 Celtics, 98 Heat (2 OT)

I'm going to stick to the game and touch on the Rondo injury next, but last game shows me one thing. We aren't dead yet.

Last night was a grit and balls moment, and they rallied without the All Star PG.

Paul Pierce and KG stepped their game up immensely, Pierce finished with a triple double with 17 points, 13 rebounds and 10 assists and KG finished with 24 points and 11 rebounds. They kept the heat at bay the whole game and was able to withstand the Lebron led Heat.

I love playing the Heat because for some reason the Celtics always make Dwayne Wade just another player. In my eyes Wade is enemy number 1 when we play the Heat. Lebron earned his respect, but Wade is such a bitch. He is cheap, dirty, and all he does is bitch to the officials over and over again.

Wade finished with 17 points on 6-20 shooting. Avery Bradley, Courtney Lee and others did a great job shutting him out and keeping him out of rhythm all game. Despite Lebrons 34 points and 17 boards I have to give Jeff Green his due for defending him (I know that sounds ridiculous) but Green made every shot really difficult for LeBron, LeBron just is LeBron, I will take that.

Now to Judas, I was a little disappointed the Celtics did a video tribute for him and a little disappointing that the crowd cheered for him during that. Ray is a dick and they shouldn't have showed him a minute of gratitude for his services here. Maybe after he retires, but not now. Ray did finish with 21 points.... dick. He was boo'd all game though, so I will give him the nod.

The Celtics showed amazing resilience last night in this double overtime game. Like Doc said last night, you all can write the obituary, but we aren't dead yet. And I believe that.

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