Feb 28, 2013

Key To US/North Korea Relations: Dennis Rodman

"Ex-NBA star Dennis Rodman met North Korea's Kim Jong Un on Thursday on the third day of his improbable journey to Pyongyang, telling the leader "You have a friend for life," a delegation spokesman said. Kim, a diehard basketball fan, told Rodman he hoped the visit would break the ice between the United States and North Korea, Detrick said. Kim later invited the Americans to dinner (CBS)."

This was the oddest story I had read in awhile. I actually forgot Dennis Rodman was alive, I mean that is kind of shocking in itself. I guess it's a good match, since the entire world hates North Korea, and Dennis Rodman. It would be really funny though if this was the start of good relations between the US and North Korea. Like if Rodman ended their nuclear program or something, I don't know there is fucking shit to write about and this is the best I got. Fuck you.

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