Jan 29, 2013

Ray Lewis No Longer Retiring?

"Ravens safety Ed Reed had a warning for reporters Monday: Don't be so sure Ray Lewis will retire after Super Bowl XLVII. That's the word from NFL.com's Chris Wesseling. “Maybe he'll play 10 games next year,” Reed said, according to Wesseling."

This better not be true. After all this Ray Lewis blowing I really can't stomach a Brett Favre like comeback. I respect the player (maybe not the man), but if he comes back after all the tearful goodbyes, and weekly tributes I am going to puke.

Actually in general the Ravens make me want to puke. Yes, I am bitter as a Patriots fan, but I am sick of them. I am sick of Ray Lewis crying speeches and Bible verses, and I am even more sick of Terrell Suggs and his big fucking mouth. Guy never shuts up, and why the hell does anyone listen to him? Do you guys remember this is the same dude that threw bleach on a 1 year old baby? Yea, lets have a whole Super Bowl about a guy that helped covered up a murder, and a dude that thinks it's OK to throw bleach on babies and their mothers.

I just feel like all the stories are about the Ravens, and I'm already tired of them and now (for the first time all playoffs) am completely on the 49ers bandwagon for this game, oh and the #4 for a combined score, because I got $100 dollar square on that.

Yea, I might have a slight gambling problem.

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